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The Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Languages of the School of Humanities of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, in the exercise of his powers, announces that the applications were extended to the 2016 selection process until November 25th, 2015. The applications must be made only by the SisPPG application system of Graduate of UFV at: https://www3.dti.ufv.br/ppg/sisppg-inscricao-pos/instrucoes-inscricao-candidato/ All documentation must be attached to the application in PDF format. Tender PPGLetras 2016 – CORRECTED


Brazilian applicant must pay R$ 58.00 (fifty-eight reais) through Union Payment Form (GRU). Foreign applicant who lives in Brazil, must pay US$ 76.00 (seventy-six dollars) through the Union Payment Form (GRU). This value must be converted to Real to fill the GRU on the day you will make the payment. Payment voucher


The applicant interested in the exemption on the selection process of the Graduate Programs of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa – UFV must meet what is required on the item 4 of the Graduate Tender – Selection Processes II-2015 and I-2016, available at the page of the Office of Research and Graduate Studies – PPG (http://www.ppg.ufv.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Edital-Selecao-003-2015.pdf) *It is necessary to hand in a requisition attached to your Registry for Social Programs at the Office of the Graduate Program.

Foreign applicant who lives abroad, must pay U$ 76.00 (seventy-six dollars) through international bank transfer (Wire Transfer), with the following data for credit: Bank: Banco do Brazil S / A. Name of the Institution: Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Address: Av. P.H. Rolfs, s/n – Campus Universitário – Viçosa/MG. CEP: 36570-000. SWIFT: BRASBRRJBHE (no need to inform the bank account)

Further information can be obtained at the Graduate Office by the phone (31) 3899-1583 and by the email posgradla@ufv.br

Dear Applicants:

The coordination of the Graduate Program in Languages of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa makes public the opening of applications of the selection process, Class of 2016.

Please be advised that the Tender No. 01/2015 was CORRECTED, because of the need for adjustments in Item 19.1 (Bibliography suggested for test of Literary Studies).

Because of this, we removed from the selection process a literary work that is sold out in bookstores: (ANDRESEN, Sophia de Mello Breyner. Poemas escolhidos. São Paulo, 2004). We replace this book by the following book: (PESSOA, Fernando. Melhores poemas de Fernando Pessoa. 12a ed. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2003). In addition, we include the theoretical text (PAZ, Octávio. “O Desconhecido de si mesmo: Fernando Pessoa”. In:__. Signos em rotação. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2009, p. 201-220).

For these corrections, we require that applicants read carefully the TENDER NUMBER 01/2015 (CORRECTED), which is available on the website of the Graduate Program in Languages: Click here

Furthermore, we wish applicants with a successful selection.


Coordination of the Graduate Program in Languages – UFV

Tender PPGLetras 2016 – CORRECTED

APPLICATION FEE: Brazilian applicant must pay R$ 58.00 (fifty-eight reais) through Union Payment Form (GRU). Foreign applicant who lives in Brazil, must pay US$ 76.00 (seventy-six dollars) through the Union Payment Form (GRU). This value must be converted to Real to fill the GRU on the day you will make the payment. Payment voucher

Exemption Requests:

The applicant interested in the exemption on the selection process of the Graduate Programs of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa – UFV must meet what is required on the item 4 of the Graduate Tender – Selection Processes II-2015 and I-2016, available at the page of the Office of Research and Graduate Studies – PPG (http://www.ppg.ufv.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Edital-Selecao-003-2015.pdf) *It is necessary to hand in a requisition attached to your Registry for Social Programs at the Office of the Graduate Program.

Foreign applicant who lives abroad, must pay U$ 76.00 (seventy-six dollars) through international bank transfer (Wire Transfer), with the following data for credit: Bank: Banco do Brazil S / A. Name of the Institution: Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Address: Av. P.H. Rolfs, s/n – Campus Universitário – Viçosa/MG. CEP: 36570-000. SWIFT: BRASBRRJBHE (no need to inform the bank account)

Further information can be obtained at the Graduate Office by the phone (31) 3899-1583 and by the email posgradla@ufv.br


The coordination of the Graduate Program in Languages of UFV informs that applications for the selection process in 2015 were extended until November 14th, 2014, at 18h.

The applications must be made only by the SisPPG application system of Graduate of UFV at: https://www3.dti.ufv.br/ppg/sisppg-inscricao-pos/instrucoes-inscricao-candidato/

All documentation must be attached to the application in PDF format.

The selection will be carried out in four stages: specific knowledge test (December 1st, 2014); research project; argumentation about the project and interview (December 4th, 2014), and curriculum analysis. The final result will be announced by December 19th and the activities will begin in March, 2015.

APPLICATION FEE: Brazilian applicant must pay R$ 58.00 (fifty-eight reais) through Union Payment Form (GRU). Foreign applicant who lives in Brazil, must pay US$ 76.00 (seventy-six dollars) through the Union Payment Form (GRU). This value must be converted to Real to fill the GRU on the day you will make the payment. Payment voucher

Exemption: The applicant interested in the exemption on the selection process of the Graduate Programs of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa – UFV must meet what is required on the item 4 of the Graduate Tender – Selection Processes II-2015 and I-2016, available at the page of the Office of Research and Graduate Studies – PPG (http://www.ppg.ufv.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Edital-Selecao-003-2015.pdf) It is necessary to hand in a requisition attached to your Registry for Social Programs at the Office of the Graduate Program.

Foreign applicant who lives abroad, must pay U$ 76.00 (seventy-six dollars) through international bank transfer (Wire Transfer), with the following data for credit: Bank: Banco do Brazil S / A. Name of Institution: Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Address: Av. P.H. Rolfs, s/n – Campus Universitário – Viçosa/MG. CEP: 36570-000. SWIFT: BRASBRRJBHE (no need to inform the bank account)

Further information can be obtained at the Graduate Office by the phone (31) 3899-1583 and by the email posgradla@ufv.br

TENDER UPDATED SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2014: Tender PPGLetras – final


Department of Letters
Postgraduate Program in Letters
University Campus
36.570-900 - Viçosa - MG
Phone: (31) 3612-7156
Email: posgradla@ufv.br

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados

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