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Areas of Concentration

Fields of study


The field of Linguistic Studies includes researches that investigate different socio-cultural and cognitive aspects related to first and foreign languages, focusing on the theoretical and methodological premises of studies in the areas of Discourse Analysis and Applied Linguistics. The research projects, as well as the counseling, are linked to the following research lines: Applied Linguistics – first and foreign languages teaching and learning – and Discursive Studies. These approaches turn to theoretical reflection in the field of knowledge of language, socio-cultural practices, its operations and applications.


The field of Literary studies articulates the study of Literature to the cultural demands of the contemporaneity in its various manifestations, once we can notice, especially from the past decades of the last century, the tendency of investigations and reinterpretation of the theoretical, critical and methodological premises about which they are based on.

Articulated around the research line “Literature, Culture and Society”, the area offers the possibility of a contemporary reflection on current theoretical issues in the field of Literary and Cultural Studies. Thus, in the contemporary Literary Studies, the new relationships and interdisciplinary strategies are highlighted as an indispensable procedure. The changes that have occurred in the field of literature and culture require from the literary researcher a special ability to reflect on the new interdisciplinarity, strengthening the connections with other areas of knowledge, which generates a surprising and creative space of inquiries, broadening the field of what, for decades, has been established as strictly literary. It is in this comprehensive and plural sense, involving researches that open doors to other areas of the human knowledge, that we understand this area of concentration.


Department of Letters
Postgraduate Program in Letters
University Campus
36.570-900 - Viçosa - MG
Phone: (31) 3612-7156
Email: posgradla@ufv.br

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados

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