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Abstracts of Dissertations and Thesis

NEGRÃO, Patrícia Muratori de Lima e Silva, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, November, 2018. The Science Textbook: The (Re)criation of Scientific Knowledge for Elementary School Students. Advisor: Cristiane Cataldi dos Santos Paes.
Considering the theoretical and methodological tools for the Analysis of the Discourse of Scientific Dissemination, this paper seeks to verify how occurs the process of recontextualization of the texts entered in the textbook Project Apoema – Sciences, on the 8th and 9th years of Elementary Education, in its 2nd edition 2015, published by the Publishing house of Brazil. For both, an analysis was performed of the linguistic-discursive procedures of expansion, reduction, and variation and of the strategies outreach in 13 texts identified in the sections “With the word, the specialist” and “Science, technology and society” of the textbook. The importance of this research consists in assessing how the discourse on science is presented in a collection of textbook science, in which the authors claim to have as goal to promote the learning of science and civic education, in addition to creating learning opportunities in which the student can question, raising a hypothesis, investigate, and not just ‘consume’ information ready and finished. Thus, this research was developed considering the contextualization of the research object, the presentation of the main theoretical assumptions related to the Analysis of the Discourse of Scientific Dissemination (CALSAMIGLIA, 1997, 2011, CIAPUSCIO, 1997, CASSANY and MARTÍ, 1998, CASSANY, LÓPEZ and MARTÍ, 2000; CATALAN, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2016; VAN DIJK, 2011) and the profile description of the sections selected for the study. After that, an analysis of the linguistic-discursive procedures of expansion, reduction and variation and of the divulgative strategies identified in the selected texts was performed. At the end of the analysis, it was observed that the expansion procedure stood out and that the strategy most used in the corpus was the explanation, in view of its purpose of making knowledge accessible. It was also possible to verify that the didactic book Project Apoema – Sciences of the 8th and 9th years of elementary School is an important means of disseminating scientific knowledge to the student of the 8th and 9th years of elementary School.
Keywords: Science textbook; Scientific knowledge; Scientific Dissemination; Recontextualization.
PEREZ, Diego Perez, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, October, 2018. The Storyteller: reflections on the works of Alejandro Zambra (or The search for a legitimate narrative voice in the novels Bonsái, La vida privada de los árboles and Formas de volver a casa). Adviser: Gerson Luiz Roani. Co-adviser: Juan Pablo Chiaparra Cabrera.
Although sometimes described with media excesses, it is undeniable that Chilean writer Alejandro Zambra appears, at the beginning of XXI century, as an editorial phenomenon of the international literary scene. Author of a light prose and deep themes such as the Chilean Military Dictatorship, the craft of the writer and the new interpersonal relations, Zambra is nevertheless located in a socio-historical context that seems to put in question the role of the contemporary storyteller. In this crisis of artistic legitimacy, resounding between the traditionalist critics and the postmodernist partisans, the chilean writer doesn’t seem to identify with any of the current theoretical strands for his literary project; so he begins to seek his own narrative voice which he finds in the theoretical production of the german critic and philosopher Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), in his conjunction of paradoxes, a central element of the constitution of his fictional prose. Thus, initially formulated as a parody of the essay “O narrador: considerações sobre a obra de Nikolai Leskov” (1994) in Bonsái (2016), going through conflicting position in La vida privada de los árboles (2016), and finally acquiring a deep questioning of the role and place of the storyteller Formas de volver a casa (2017), this search entwines these novels by a mise-en-abyme that consequently creates between them a deep air of familiarity. Relationship that guides this research. KEYWORDS: Alejandro Zambra; Narratology; Latin American literature.
 LUCAS, Giovana Berbert, M. Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, september, 2018 Labyrinth of voices: possible dialogical readings of Bach by Pedro Eiras. Advisor: Gerson Luiz Roani. Co-advisors: José Luiz Foureaux de Souza Júnior and Maria Carmen Aires Gomes.
The novel Bach, published in 2014, by the Portuguese contemporary author Pedro Eiras, it has the structure of fourteen chapters with distinct discursive genres, that discuss themes that dialogue at diversified levels with the following chapters and earlier chapters. In addition, in spite of giving title to the work, the baroque German composer does not role in any of these chapters, which also raises discussions on the theme of the work. Therefore, this research seeks to study the process of composition of the work to understand both its formal constitution and its thematic approach. In order to reach this goal, we carry out a bibliographical review on dialogism – considering that every discourse is dialogical, besides the explicit dialogues between chapters – and about the tendencies of the literary writing of postmodernism – it has a noticeable aesthetic in elements of the work. We therefore seek texts by Mikhail Bakhtin, for dialogism, and by Linda Hutcheon and Ana Paula Arnaut, for postmodernism. In order to perform the critical analysis of the work, concepts were explored such as concrete utterance, dialogism, polyphony, intertextuality, as well as the processes of literary writing that revisits History and present new possibilities through Bach’s work were explored. Besides of understanding the structural production of the work, it was necessary to understand what relations of the work with Johann Sebastian and his music, which led us to perceive that the thematic approach of a Bach that is present as an elision, a watermark in the literary text, it is also an essential element in the narrative construction of the work. Therefore, it is confirmed that Bach (2014) is a novel that inserts itself in the postmodern tendencies according to the resumed theories and explores, by means of several resources, the reflection of the literary doing, mainly in relation to the historical facts and its proximity with the truth. Besides of innumerable interpretative possibilities that an open work, can offer the reader, such as Bach, we approach the dialogical narrative composition and the reflexibility about the process of literary writing, in this work of critical analysis.
MARQUES, Camila Matusoch, M. Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, October, 2018. The occult letter: gender and subjectivities in Ariel, by Sylvia Plath. Advisor: Gracia Regina Gonçalves. Co-Advisor: Joelma Santana Siqueira.
The current study looks into how Ariel , poetry collection by North American writer Sylvia Plath, depicts patriarchy controlling devices acting over women, represented in various poetic images. Thus, drawing mainly on theoretical studies by Woolf, Beauvoir, Millet, Mulvey, Bourdieu, Badinter, and Nolasco, in an attempt to examine patriarchal doxa in operation – its naturalized techniques which assure women exploitation in the patriarchal reminiscent social system, rooted in our civilized structures. In this regard, we propose an analysis of the representation of gender subjectivity in Ariel , with highlights to the constitution of poetic images as an alternative to the domination in
patriarchal society. Bearing in mind the context in which the book was edited – since her ex-husband, the poet Ted Hughes, significantly altered its first edition -, we split our analysis into two corpora : we emphasize images of complacency with the hegemonic male in poems elected by Hughes to integrate the book opposed to other poems discarded by him. In this respect, we also stress the body of work reorganization perpetrated by the editor and his experience as the destructor of his ex-wife’s writings, besides the minute control over her publications. In this scenario, drawing mainly on the concept of poetic image for authors such as Aristotle, Pound, Hamburguer, Adorno, Paz, Bosi and Candido, as the basis, the conception of Plath as an avant-garde poet is projected, one whose voice, in counterclaim, makes room for the subjectivity of women to flower. Such motion, inasmuch as it corrupts essentialisms and naturalizations, when refusing the primacy of masculinity, binds Ariel to feminism and to other contemporary trends which push rethinking thinking.
Keywords: Gender; Subjectivities; Ariel ; Sylvia Plath.
This work show the construction of social spaces´ analysis builded in Jose Lins do Rego work in a historic period constitute between the first World War Ends and the moral crises installed in the transition society background. The Northeast, focuses between the author´s bold and modern narrative is the scene where is founded reflected the problem of modernization of social space and work, in a context whose the social, cultural and political system is diluted in a seduction of foreign culture and of nacional underdevelopment. To procede to unification of critical analyses´ data about both Region´s concept constitution and workforce´s efectiveness, was considered literary, historical and geografic´s works, like newspaper clipping and texts that refer the acquisition of memorialism. The analysis of the spaces constituted of this new proposed social model stands out much more than the reconfiguration of the environment, having as reference the relations that were developed or lost in the course, but also show the problematic emergence of a new organization that crystallized in the urban centers isolating the revolutionary expressions of a delegitimized Northeast.
Keywords: Space; reconfiguration; work; mil; plant.
GOTTI, Rafael Lobão, M. Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, May de 2018. The others spices in sauce of Machado de Assis: Helena, a novel with tragedy’s flavor. Adviser: Edson Ferreira Martins.Classical tragedy instituted the tragic experience in the human repertoire, so that this thought has gone through centuries and transcended its genre of origin, finding ways to manifest itself through the novel, as Eagleton (2013) states. The polyphonic characteristic of the novels allows this contact to be more intimate, for through the dialogical relations fragments of texts are incorporated into the other, allowing for plural readings, as stated by Bakhtin (2012). In the novels of Machado de Assis, this themes becomes present through the compositional method of the Brazilian author, defined as poética da emulação (poetics of emulation) by Rocha (2013), according to which is based on a deliberate anachronism of classical techniques of composition that are guided by the imitation of a traditional model. This topics are important for the analysis of Helena (1876), since Machado updates the myth of Helena in a new context, which the confrontation of this character with the new forces that guide human destiny establishes the tragic conflict that structures this work. This study analyzes the third novel of the Brazilian author under a tragic perspective, which complexity goes beyond the definition of a simple portrait of customs, since this work anticipates the genius of the author who builds a tragedy of Brazilian social life. Key words: Machado de Assis; Helena; tragic
VALENTE, Daniela França Chagas Batista, M. SC.,Universidade Federal de Viçosa.Maio de 2018. The reinvented naiton in the novels Desmundo and Dias e Dias by Ana Miranda. Adviser: Angelo Adriano de Faria AssisAna Miranda is a writer recognized of the Brazilian contemporary literature,having been awarded important prizes by Brazilian critics. She has been highlighted by critics for her interlocution between a story and a literature. The present work investigated the novels Desmundo (1996) and Dias e Dias (2003), analyzing the representation of religion in the novel, as well as a presentation of the women’s representation in the novels. The novels have a background, a vision and a process of independence, as well as a reading of the history of Brazil, a way of making a critical critique of Miranda makes of the history with Translation of classic texts, like the Letter of Caminha. Finally, an analysis was made of a writer in her work of a woman, to problematize a patriarchal society, starting with themes such as marriage. The foundation of the work was highlighted by several active women in literature, especially in relation to the situation of women, and iconic names in feminist theory, especially Simone Beauvoir and Virginia Woolf. KEYWORDS: Ana Miranda; Feminism; Nation.
SOUZA, Rainhany Karolina Fialho, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. Classroom interaction: analysis of repair and correction in the teaching learning process. Advisor : Michelle Nave Valadão.This research aims to describe the organization of speech-in-interaction in the classroom context in order to investigate the use of repair and correction for the joint construction of knowledge. In addition, we seek to verify in which situations of activities/tasks and oral communication can occur the repair and correction in the classroom interaction; we also inferred  that,  in the situations that occurred, if there was the construction of knowledge or just reproduction of knowledge; to describe how the construction of knowledge occurs regarding to  the strategies of repair and correction, besides that , to be able to distinguish in the interactions which ones can be considered as “repair”  and  as “correction”, relating it to the face notion. For this purpose, it relies on the theoretical-methodological devices of  Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica (SACKS, SCHEGLOFF, JEFFERSON, 1977), considering the participation of the students and the teacher in the teaching-learning process in the Agroecology`s course Geography class in a  technical school in Minas Gerais. The analysis corpus of this research is composed by the recording and transcription of two classes from the event we mentioned above. The analysis result considered the construction process or knowledge reproduction through the use of repairs, also verifying the participants communication skills. The results demonstrated the use of some repairs categories as a threatening method, and the common meaning construction among participants of the interaction, that contributed to the co-construction of knowledge in the teaching-learning process. Moreover, we noticed that jokes of   “ritual insults” in classroom interaction occur constantly as part of the process of joint construction of knowledge. It can therefore be concluded, that this study can contribute to the identification, analysis and description of possible needs of teaching-learning process in classroom interaction situations.KEYWORDS: repair; correction; teaching-learning
FERRUCE, Princisval, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. Crossed eyes: Representations of Sub-Saharan Africa in Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863), by Jules Verne. Adviser: Gracia Regina Gonçalves. Co-advisers: Dirceu Magri and Nilson Adauto Guimarães da Silva. In the apex of the exploration of the 1860s Africa, Jules Verne publishes his first “extraordinary” journey, Five Weeks on a Balloon. Aware of the growing interest of the French public in the so-called “barbarian” regions, the author elaborates an innovative novel, whose key of interest lies exactly in such fascination with the unknown, intertwined with the appealing thematic of “modern science”. The main focus of this research is rather to reveal another Africa, devoided of all its inconvenient aspects – ethnographic and geographic ones – mostly perpetuated by explorers, travelers, naturalists and writers in general. Therefore, under the perspective of an interdisciplinary approach, in which Post-colonial Studies are projected, the present work intends to analise Verne’s above mentioned début as a writer, showing to what extent it can be framed within the European tradition of representation of world zones considered “primitive”. Thus it intends to show to what extent the process of representing the “different” always ends up in a move of delimitation of a clear cut division between us and them. Such an ideologicallyoriented division, establishes a hierarchy in which the represented object constitutes itself as a detour to be identified. By the same token, in Verne’s novel, representation acquires the pragmatic function: of projecting the African Continent with rather the purpose of claiming it to the colonialist enterprise. Studies of Albert Memmi, Edward Said, Eric Hobsbawm among others will guide this dissertation.
SILVA, Ana Paula Lopes, M. Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March,2018.
Serra do Brigadeiro in hightlights : the dissemination of science on the Boletim BioPESB . Advisor: Cristiane Cataldi dos Santos Paes.This research aimed to investigate the linguistic-discursive treatment given to the information presented in the Boletim BioPESB, published in Editora de Ciencia between 2015 and 2016, totaling 12 texts analyzed. The importance of this research is to understand how the discourse on science is presented on a Boletim Informativo that, differently from interesting local newspapers , brings scientific dissemination that helps with the knowledge  and reports  the  residents, visitors and researchers from  Serra do Brigadeiro, about the facts and scientific discoveries that occurred at Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB). Therefore, this research was developed considering the contextualization of the research object; the presentation of Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB) and its relationship with the  Boletim BioPESB ; the presentation of  main theoretical assumptions regarding the Journalism (AMARAL, 2001; BAHIA, 2009; JORGE, 2012; FRANÇA, 2005; BURKETT, 1990), the Noticiable Criteria (ERBOLATO, 2004; GRADIM, 2000; PEREIRA JUNIOR, 2006; BURKETT, 1990), the style and language in Journalism (RIZZINI, 1977; PONTO, 2005; JORGE 2012; ERBOLATO, 2004; GOMES, 2007) and the Análise do Discurso da Divulgação Científica (CIAPUSCIO, 1997; CASSANY, LÓPEZ e MARTÍ, 2000; CATALDI, 2003, 2007, 2011) based on the linguistic-discursive procedures of expansion, reduction and variation and  dissemination strategies. At the end of the analysis, it was noticed that the main criterion of newsworthiness for the selection of topics to be addressed by the Boletim BioPESB is nearness, either with the PESB or with the UFV. It was also verified that most part, the texts present a formal language, merging disclosed strategies with traces of academic writing, with no chance of this compromising the informative character of the subjects. The recurrent linguistic-discursive procedure was the expansion and the most popular dissemination strategy was contextualization. Thus, the published texts in editor Ciência, Boletim BioPESB intent to present the topics on science that can sound interesting for the PESB reading public, considering the researches that are developed, mostly, at UFV.Keywords: Boletim BioPESB; Scientific Diffusion; Discursive Studies; Noticiable Criteria; Scientific Journalism.
REIS, Leandro de Souza, M. Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. Control: the body which cannot take it anymore in Naked Lunch, by William S. Burroughs. Advisor: Gracia Regina Gonçalves. Co-Advisor: Adélcio de Sousa Cruz.The current study aims at investigating how the book Naked Lunch (1959), by American writer William S. Burroughs, pictures the effect of the mechanisms of control on the bodies depicted in the narrative. In order to analyse this work in such perspective, we have drawn theoreitical information mainly from  Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze, and others, theorists who have, respectively, committed themselves to the study of the disciplinary society, to  taming techniques which tend to assure the manipulation  of the individual in the production system. It is also at stake and the concept of society of control, which establish a continuous control over the body. In this sense, we propose the analysis of the representation of the bodies in Naked Lunch, highlighting the composition of the junky body as an alternative to domination in contemporary society and an answer to it. With the context of production of such work in mind – the period of escalation of the Cold War –, we highlight some of the factors which fostered the emergence of a literary movement opposed to the American way of life, the Beat Generation, of which Burroughs was founder along with writers Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. We have also stressed out the existential rearrangement put forward by the beatniks, for which experience and work of art unify themselves around  the body. Moreover, the aesthetic theory of Friedrich Nietzsche in The Birth of the Tragedy (1872) is used to explore Burroughs’s conception on the act of writing itself, as well as his theories on the matter of control exercised through the means of language, what places Naked Lunch within Postmodernism’s tenets, as it disturbs essentialisms and naturalizations, by refusing the primacy of Reason.Keywords: Burroughs; body control; postmodernism.
CAETANO, Carla Rejane de Paula Barros, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. The interaction from interviews in Libras: an ethnomethodological look at the institutional conversation. Advisor: Ana Luisa Borba GedielThe main objective of this study is to present the Repair phenomenon, based on the studies assumptions in Analysis of Ethnomethodological Conversation – ACE, and linguistic ideologies traces during a television program interview that involves speakers and deaf interlocutors who communicate by Brazilians Sign Language – Libras. To be possible to understand how the users of a given language act, it is necessary to verify the interactions between the lines and to be alert to the ideologies that involve it. That said, it leads us to understand that ideological constructions are inherent in the use of language in various spaces and situations and that almost most always are expressed by groups and even by the individual. In people interactions is also recurring the Repair phenomenon, which always manifests itself with obstacles that may implicate the understanding during the conversation, whether daily or institutional. Taking what mentioned above into consideration, we exposed Ideologies Linguistics represented by an interview program television designed for the deaf public, and we describe and analyze, in this context, the paths of Repair between consisting turns of questions and answers made by deaf participants in Libras. Thus we hope that the presentation we are delaing with, can stimulate new researches focused on the interaction in Libras, with  understanding views of  how the collaborative use of the second language, legally recognized in Brazil, has been presented  in different social spaces of this country.Keywords: Libras; Interaction; Linguistic Ideologies; Repair.
FAGUNDES, Érica Silva, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. Reading and writing activities of digital genres in the collection Português Linguagens: is it a way to digital literacy? Adviser: Adriana da Silva.The present study had the aim to verify the contribution of reading and writing activities of digital genres for the digital literacy, based on sections  analysis of  Produção de Texto e Intervalo, from the collection didactic Português Linguagens (Middle School ), written by Willian Cereja and Thereza Cochar Magalhães. Therefore, when we were talking about reading activities, we evaluate whether the linguistic aspects: style and spelling; the compositional ones: textual format and multissemy; and the communicative purpose were being used. About the writing activities, we wanted to observe if the support, the interlocutors and the communicative situation allowed the students to produce texts that could approach them to real situations. In addition, we analyzed if the writing and reading activities of digital texts were being utilized within a sequential way in the constitutive works of our corpus. The results of analyzes allowed us to confirm the hypothesis that we would find a little number of activities that would contribute for the training of digitally literate students. In the universe of four works, we found only three activities whose objective was to approach digital genres: two about e-mail, one for writing and one for reading, and one for writing on the blog. Only in activities, regarding e-mail, was possible to note some contribution for the digital literacy. The reading activity for dealing with the linguistic and compositional aspects and the communicative purpose of the genre. The writing activity for allowing communicative practices through e-mail, which approached the reality regarding support, the interlocutors and the communicative situation. In the relation to the activity associated to the blog, we consider that it didn`t really contribute for the formation of digitally literate students since only the support allows the student approach to the communication through the genre. In that case, it was possible to verify that there is still a long way to go through in order to the students can be educated satisfactorily enough to get in the technological and digital society. Despite that, we consider that the initiative of the authors’ collection to include digital genres in works is an important move, according as this attitude may lead many teachers to understand the need to consider, in the school context, the communication mediated by computer.KEYWORDS: Reading activities; writing activities; digital genres; Português Linguagens.
LOPES, Bárbara Albuquerque Gomes, M. Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. Coup or impeachment? A semiolinguistic analysis of the discourses of the Veja and the Carta Capital on the removal of president Dilma Rousseff. Adviser: Mônica Santos de Souza Melo.This dissertation aims to analyze, based on the Semiolinguistic Theory proposed by Patrick Charaudeau (2008), the discourses produced by the magazines Veja and Carta Capital on the political events related to the impeachment process of Dilma Rousseff. In this sense, the corpus of the research is composed of six reports, present in editions of the magazines that preceded the three votes of the impediment process, held in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Federal Senate. To obtain the analysis data, this study proceeds to a description of the discursive organization of the texts, from the modes of organization and, based on the notion of sociodiscursive imaginaries, identifies the discourses used by the periodicals and how they reproduce the political position of their editorial bodies. Through the analysis, discursive formations have been identified that confirm that Veja defends the process of impeachment and Carta Capital defends the thesis that the president was the victim of a coup. In the period prior to the first impeachment vote, the reports turn their focus to the ethics of those involved and to the attempt to legitimize or delegitimize the process. Subsequently, there is a concern with the image of Brazil due to the initiation of the process and its immediate consequences. And, finally, the reports that precede the final vote bring analyzes of the interim government, since the favorable conclusion to Dilma’s impeachment is taken for granted by the two magazines.Palavras chaves inglês: Semiolingitic Theory; Impeachment; Blow; Sociodiscursive imaginary
PIRES, Gracielle Fonseca, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. “And the beauty is still a beast”- Critical discourse analysis of the gender performativities on the interviews of Roadie Crew Magazine. Advisor: Maria Carmen Aires Gomes. The media specialized in metal music, specifically the Brazilian metal printed magazines, in this research, are among the cultural institutions that are responsible for the creation of values, articulation of ideologies and for spreading discourses about metal music in the Brazilian metal scenes. Thus, these magazines have a central role in the metal culture, emphasizing its public visibility and at the same time participating on its construction. Moreover, the metal magazines are part of what is called specialized reception in music, one of the main elements of the Western Musical Canon constitution (Citron, 1993). Given that, the importance of investigating those publications as a way to help us understand some of the social changes and partially discursive problems in metal culture becomes clear. The gender relations are one of the most important and urgent issues to be discussed and analyzed in metal media. Some of the first studies on metal have already pointed out that the metal music culture was reproducing patriarchal beliefs (WALSER, 1993). Later investigations, as Hill (2013, 2016) and Martins (2011) showed how the specialized metal magazines tend to produce gender bias and foster gender inequalities as well power imbalance, excluding or reifying “women”. Recently, Clifford-Napoleone (2016) broadened the discussions on metal and gender by presenting a queer perspective. Thereby she added more complexity by arguing gender in metal from a non-binary view, what can lead the upcoming researches to discuss it considering the queer aspects of metal. Based upon these new theoretical efforts, our research aims to analyze the gender performativities (BUTLER, 2016 [1990]) realized at 14 interviews extracted from Roadie Crew, a printed monthly metal magazine produced and distributed in Brazil. For this purpose, our work is aligned with the critical discursive studies of Chouliaraki & Fairclough (1999), Fairclough (2001; 2003), by means of we conduct a critical discourse analysis, text-oriented, underpinned by the recurrences found at textual processing performed by the software Antconc (ANTHONY, 2004) and also through the Subsystem of Attitude, of the Appraisal Theory (WHITE, 2004). The social theories used to support the analyses are Thompson (2002) on the ideologies modes of operation, studies of gender and music (CITRON, 1993), studies about gender and metal, (MARTINS, 2011; SHAAP & BERKERS, 2013; HILL, 2013, 2016; CLIFFORD- NAPOLEONE, 2015) as well gender and queer theory (BUTLER, 2016 [1990]; SCOTT, 1990; CONNEL & x MESSERSCHMIDT, 2005; HALBERSTAM, 1998; COLLING, 2011; PRECIADO, 2011). Our approach aims to discuss the contributions from the feminist musicology through a queer perspective, aspiring to widen the comprehension of the relations between gender performativities and music canonization in the magazine discourse. By performing the linguistic-discursive and social analysis, we verified the iterability of the heteronormativity, such as the repetition of the relational processes related to the beauty, bad temper and particular representations of femininity when the interviewed was presented as a straight female, while the material processes and relational processes used to refer to the interviewed musicians presented as straight male lead to the promotion of excellence, professionalism, and expertise on making metal music. Therefore, we could attest the existence of a music discourse partially gendered on the interviews of Roadie Crew. We could also notice the role of the interview as a discursive technology which utilizes gender normalization devices that work within the heterosexual matrix of gender ineligibility
CARVALHO, Alexandra Bittencourt de, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. Representations and identities of fat women in digital midiatic pratices: tensions between resistance voices and hegemonic voices. Advisor: Maria Carmen Aires Gomes. It is noticeable how part of contemporary society worries about the body. It is seen as a reference of well-being, professional, financial and love relationship success as well performatizing beauty pattern. Current discourses about bodies establish a conception that these bodies should be healthy, thin, desirable, white, rich and beautiful. Therefore, negative meanings are generated and discourses are disseminated about fat bodies constituting a symbolic base for fatphobia, a prejudice based on people’s size and weight. Such prejudice has the effect of repulsion over these bodies, configuring them as an abject body (BUTLER, 2016). In contrast, positive meanings that combat fatphobia have emerged, causing a redefinition of fat bodies, constructing discourses in favor of diversity of bodies and self-acceptance. This study aims to do, through AngloSaxon Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH,2001[1992];CHOULIARAKI & FAIRCLOUGH, 1999; FAIRCLOUGH, 2003) intertwined with body theories (BORDO, 1997; LE BRETON, 2010; BUTLER, 2016), with Fat Studies (HARJUNEN, 2009; ROTHBLUM, 2011) and with Giving An Account of Oneself (BUTLER, 2016), a critical discursive analysis about representations and identities that fat women have about themselves, in digital media practice, eliciting negative meanings society makes about them – and, by extension, of other fat women – as well as revealing other possible looks over their bodies. Thus, to investigate which institutions are responsible for the negative construction of discourses and identities of fat bodies as well as the responsible ones for combating them. Another interest is to analyze how representations and identities of fat bodies modify when intersected with other social markers such as race, gender, sexuality and generation. Our corpus is constituted of ten (10) digital texts, being three (3) blogs and one (1) online magazine, respectively Gorda e Sapatão, Kiss the Fat Girl, Beleza sem Tamanho and Capitolina. The analysis was divided in three thematic categories: a (de) construction of ugly and sick body; the creation and transformation of representations and identities of fat women and empowerment. In the first category, we notice that the institutions which legitimate meanings about fat bodies as ugly bodies are, first, pornography, by constructing a beauty and desire ideal of the toned body and, second, fashion, by establishing a beauty ideal of the thin body, and, concerning plus size fashion, the ideal of a fat body that most resembles to the pattern. ix Besides those, biomedicine, through medicalization (HARJUNEN, 2009) of fat bodies, homogenizing them as sick and, therefore, healing targets. The institution which gives a new meaning to such bodies is fat militancy, inserted on feminist movements of intersectional aspect, giving meaning to fat bodies as beautiful and healthy bodies. In the second category, the institutions which create negative representations and identities about fat bodies are the Government, through accessibility policies that do not contemplate all bodies and Fashion by creating a pattern of fat women for plus size fashion. Transformation happens in self-reports, also in fat militancy, through representativeness of fat women as examples to be followed and self-acceptance. In the third category, represented by the same institution of redefinition and transformation of representations and identities, empowerment is still noticed on the desire sphere, through, mainly, self-acceptance and criticism to femininities. Finally, we realize that, from the tangle of difference negotiation scenario by Fairclough (2003) to the social markers of difference, the biggest the intersection of these self-reports, the most themes are problematized, accentuating differences, and revealing meaning fights. Concerning gender identity, we noticed that there are no reports of trans fat women, a way to suppress differences and emerge asymmetrical power relationships inside self-reports of fat women in digital media practice.
OLIVEIRA, Bianca Silva Médice de, M.Sc. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. The value of social ascension: Brazil from 19th Century in front of a mirror in Papéis Avulsos, from Machado de Assis. Advisor: Angelo Adriano Faria de Assis.The present works has as an objective to analyze the literary representation of Brazilian society from 19th Century, presented in the tales collection Papéis Avulsos (1882) from Machado de Assis, understanding a great connection of the writer with the history and his interest in unveil the historical process. Thus, in order to discuss the importance of the dialectic relation between individual and the reality that surrounds him, we seek to investigate and interpret the characteristics of a society in which questions such as the interest and the search for the social ascension reveals itself as a practical and decisive side of life, disguised by the idealism and hypocrisy. It’s intended also, to present Machado de Assis’s  characteristics as a storyteller, showing himself as a writer and critic that observes   and questions the reality of his time, such as the way  he thinks the relation between literature and society, therefore one of the biggest analysts of his own culture.Keywords: Machado de Assis; Tales; Social ascension; Papéis Avulsos.
FREITAS, Francyane Canesche de, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, March, 2018. Beyond the haze that covers our eyes: a study of power and spectacle in José Saramago’s Ensaio sobre a Lucidez. Advisor: Angelo Adriano Faria de Assis.The present dissertation aims to analyze the play Ensaio sobre a Lucidez from José Saramago, through the analysis of power and spectacle as triggering elements of actions in the novel, seeking to understand how the mechanic of power built in the text that expands through the entire society materializes in the democratic Saramagian system. It is observed that the “truths” produced there aim to maintain the social functioning and consequently creating a spectacle around the besieged city both for those who are outside as well as for those who lived in Plato’s cave are believing in the shadows instead of glimpsing the light, that is the reality. Therefore, besides seeking a theoretical framework about José Saramago, analyzing it from the post-modernist panorama and his relation with the social and political spheres, we set out the pertinent aspects of the power of alienating discourse, the control and violence. And, from such explanation, we intend to highlight how the Saramagian democracy under the simulation bias hides an authoritarian side in its attitudes that initiates in the human domestication, expanding until the explicit violence and the total neglect with the voters.KEYWORDS: Power; Spectacle; Portuguese Literature; Saramago; Alienation.

SILVA, Jamylla Barbosa Moreira, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, February, 2018. Passionate voices about English teaching: Pre-service teachers’ identity construction. Advisor: Ana Maria Ferreira Barcelos.Language teaching education, a growing area in Applied Linguistics, deals with several challenges. One of these challenges refers to teachers’ motivations to become teachers. Some studies have suggested teaching as not very attractive as a career (GIMENEZ, 2009; GATTI, 2010). Other studies, however, (SALUM, 2007; ANDRADE, 2012; MOREIRA, 2017) reveal that some student-teachers in the Letras course still want to be teachers and express this desire in the first stages of their initial teacher education. The desire for teaching is one of the ways that future teachers express their passion for their work. This emotion becomes essential to promove quality teaching (DAY, 2004,2009). However, the studies about teachers’ passion for teaching are inexistent in Brazil. To close this gap, this study aimed at investigating the passion for teaching of a group of pre-service teachers of English working in a teaching and outreaching project of English teaching (CELIN) at Universidade Federal de Viçosa. The theoretical framework was based on the studies of language teaching education (LEFFA, 2001; PERINE, 2012; SOUZA, 2013), passion for teaching (DAY, 2004, 2009; CARBONNEAU et al. 2008; MARTÍ, 2013) and teachers’ professional identities (FERNANDES, 2006; LEMKE, 2008; SOUZA, 2011; STEIN, 2013;). Data collection instruments used included a written narrative, a visual narrative and two interviews. The results have suggested participants’ passion for teaching, positive emotions about teaching (such as satisfaction and love for English) and commitment to their teaching practice. Their English teachers’ professional identities were constructed through their teaching experience at CELIN and the methodologies learned in their undergraduate course and in the opportunity of practicing teaching during their pre-service education. The space for practicing, in this case, CELIN, was identified as essential for awakening or reaffirming their passion for teaching and for the construction of their professional teaching identities. This study reflects on the emotions and identities of pre-service English teachers and suggests that passion for teaching is intrinsically related to practice, context and to the interrelationship of these factors.Keywords: Passion for teaching; Professional identities; Pre-service English teaching.

PALMER, Margaret Marie, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, February, 2018.Beliefs, identities and social class of English language learners – a comparative study between the United States and Brazil. Adviser: Ana Maria Ferreira Barcelos.

Identity studies have grown in Applied Linguistics, understanding the concept as a crucial factor in learning an additional language, whether a second or foreign language (NORTON, 2001; LEFFA, 2012; TELLES, 2004). In addition, the concepts of beliefs and identities have been considered interrelated (BARCELOS, 2015). However, while common aspects of identities such as gender, race and orientation are discussed, social class is rarely considered (BLOCK, 2014). At a time where immigrant rights are being discussed in the United States and public education funds are being cut in Brazil, the aim of this study is to identify and compare the identities, beliefs and factors of social class between two groups of participants in two contexts: immigrant students to the United States and Brazilian students, both groups in their first year at a public high school from low socioeconomic neighborhoods. Based on Bourdieu’s concept of social class, this study considers the influence of habitus, fields and capital (BONAMINO ET AL, 2010; BOURDIEU, 1986; SANTOS & MASTRELLA-DE-ANDRADE, 2016) and the intrinsic relationship between beliefs and identities (BARCELOS, 2015). The twelve (12) participants in this study are students of English as an additional language in the above-mentioned contexts that completed a questionnaire, interview, and written and visual narratives as data collection instruments. The results have suggested English expressed as a form of capital (PENNYCOOK, 1997) and a cyclical relationship between beliefs, identities and social class. Access to English capital seems to affect both personal and societal beliefs about English learning, which in turn affects the participants’ identities as future users of English. Both groups make efforts to access the English-speaking world in different manners and degrees. While the immigrant students to the United States make efforts to enter into the inner circle of English speakers in their community, the Brazilian students either adhere to the beliefs within their social class that English is inaccessible to them or they try to break out of the cycle by investing in the imagined community of English speakers (NORTON, 2001). This study brings implications for learning English as well as possible social impacts of the use of English in an increasingly globalized world.

KeyWords: Identities; Beliefs; Social Class; English as a Foreign or Second Language students

CUPERTINO, Sílvia Letícia, M.Sc., Universidade Federal de Viçosa, February, 2018. Student´s Beliefs about Spanish teaching and learning. Advisor: Ana Maria Ferreira Barcelos. The investigation of beliefs about language learning and teaching is an established field of inquiry that helps in the understanding of the foreign language learning process (BARCELOS, 2015, 2017). The number of studies published about this topic, mainly about foreign languages, is increasing (BARCELOS, 2006, 2007, 2015, 2017; COELHO, 2005; ZOLNIER, 2007, 2012). The studies on beliefs about Spanish learning are also growing (ZOLINVESZ, 2012, 2013a, 2013b; SCHUSTER,2009; RODRIGUES, 2011, MARQUES, 2001). However, they are still few compared to the complexity of Spanish offering to Brazilian students, which demands a better understanding of how Spanish is viewed by Brazilians. In addition, the studies that investigate students’ beliefs are still scarce in Brazil (BARCELOS, 1995; COELHO, 2005; ZOLNIER, 2007; MACIEL, 2014). This study aims to close these gaps by investigating students’ beliefs since they can reveal important information that can help teachers’ work. The main aim of this study was to identify and compare the beliefs of students of Spanish as a Foreign Language in two schools in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The theoretical framework was based on studies on beliefs about language learning and teaching (BARCELOS 2004, 2006, 2015; COELHO, 2005; KALAJA, 1995; KALAJA et al, 2008; ZOLNIER, 2007, 2012) and about Spanish teaching in Brazil (CELADA, 2002, ZOLINVESZ, 2012, PARAQUETT, 2009, 2012). The data collection instruments used were two open-ended questionnaires about beliefs, a visual narrative and an interview. Data analysis followed the parameters of qualitative analysis (Patton, 1990; Vieira-Abrahão, 2006) with the reduction and coding of data and then grouping the same units together into bigger categories. The results have suggested beliefs detected in other studies, such as beliefs in the easiness of Spanish compared to other languages, mainly English and Portuguese, as well as the similarity between Spanish and Portuguese. However, students also showed curiosity to study Spanish and admiration for the Hispanic Cultures. In addition, the results have also suggested that these beliefs are related to contextual factors such as age, social class and students’ aims.
Keywords: Beliefs; teaching; learning; Spanish.


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