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Scholarship and Funding

Funding and scholarship

The financial resources for the operation of the Graduate Program in Languages and Literature (master’s degree) come from agencies for the development of postgraduate and research (CNPQ, CAPES, FAPEMIG), besides the resources of UFV itself. The scholarships granted by CAPES and FAPEMIG are distributed to candidates by the Coordinating Committee of the program according to the availability and specific requirements in a balanced and egalitarian way to the two areas of concentration of the program: Literary studies and Linguistic studies.

Each of the concentration areas will have its own list of candidates, elaborated according to the classification in the admission exam. Scholarships will not be awarded to students of the program who are substitute teachers at UFV or another Federal teaching institution. The foreign student must have his own resources for maintenance or plead a scholarship to the funding agencies in Brazil which maintain a cooperation program with his country.

Currently, the program offers 25 scholarships:

  • 2 Permanent Fapemig Scholarships
  • 23 Permanent CAPES Scholarships


Department of Letters
Postgraduate Program in Letters
University Campus
36.570-900 - Viçosa - MG
Phone: (31) 3612-7156
Email: posgradla@ufv.br

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados

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